June 27, 2010


Pecalang is one of the elements in Pekraman village in Bali. Attendance pecalang give the feel of the unique and different from other areas outside the island of Bali. Pecalang often get involved to help secure the various activities in Bali, such as religious ceremonies, concert music and democracy party.

Security with this system is sensed more comfortable and family nuances by Balinese humanity if we compared with the police officer that is identical with the "violence".

Bali is known as a regional with highest awareness and solidarity, and then why the feast day of Nyepi which is comes once every year, it must be maintained and monitored by pecalang?

And then why attendance of pecalang in the feast of Nyepi is asked. Whereas they only run the tasks and obligations as the elements of the Pekraman village in Bali,

Does this mean that without pecalang the Nyepi day in Bali will not run smoothly???