December 07, 2011

Home Decor Style Guide

Home Decor Style Guide is a way that you can do to decorate your home and all about your personal style.
Your lifestyle, individuality and tastes will very important you should consider to makeover into your home, as there are many types of interior décor styles you should think.

Modern styles
Open spaces, clean lines and leaves plenty of room is the focused in interpretation of modern style.
Neutral colors with accent very bold colors are usually used to bring attention to architectural features and accessories.
Whether you want to decorate in a modern style some option may you can choose like geometrical lines, minimalist furniture with hard accent, and to make interesting use artwork, paint, greenery, and some natural elements.

Classic Style
Most of classic style is using paint colors often reflective of nature, such as blue, green, yellow and terracotta, as well as large of pieces in dark accent.
In this design styles plenty accessories and rich woods is focused
Traditional flower you can use to filled the vases, accent the room with the gilded frames, vintage lighting, and if you want to keep the wall light, stay away from white or you can choose a cream Linkcolor.

Country Style
Heavy on shabby chic decor that incorporates a warm is a part of country styles. worn-looking feel in a more modern way.

Typically of color subdued can be found in antiques shop and high end design stores likes Accessories and cornflower blue or sage green, as long as they look old.

Dried flowers as a home accent can be considerable also.
For the white furniture and the walls choose the subdued color and feel free to distress items to make them look more worn than they are.

For more information about Home Decor Style Guide visit this blog again later

By Kastana

November 27, 2011

Start your eBay business with a rock-hard plan

Starting an eBay business is one of the greatest ways to make extra money. For those capable and eager to dedicate their efforts full time to maintaining and growing their eBay business, a solid income is what it is all about.

But before you quit your day job or invest serious money into an eBay business, it is a good idea to draft a business plan, just as you would with any other entrepreneurial venture.

Ask yourself some of these important questions before you start you start drawing up that eBay business plan.

How much money do you want to make from eBay business? How much time can you invest in your eBay business? And what will you sell on eBay business?

If you have an existing online or offline business, you probably have a good idea of what you want to sell on eBay business.

eBay business, If you do not have one, you will have to decide what you will sell and how you will start making your eBay business specialized enough so that you are not just selling random stuff.

What you sell will determine much of your business plan. For instance, you may have an extensive collection of coins and wish to sell coins or supplies to other collectors.

Your business plan will detail how you will conduct your collectible coin business. Once you have narrowed down your product offering, you can begin conducting market research.

Market research serves many purposes. Analyzing your target customer base to gauge interest and demand in your product can help determine if your business idea is worthwhile from a financial standpoint.

In addition, if you are seeking investors or financial assistance for your eBay business, you will need to convince potential investors and lenders that there is sufficient demand for the products you want to sell on eBay business.

Then you can focus on your actual business strategy. This is how you will conduct your business day to day. Write down how will you procure goods or manufacture them, how you will list them on eBay, what prices you will charge, and how much profit you expect to make on each sale.

You will need to outline your organizational and operational procedures in your business plan, stating how you will create listings, how you will store and manage your inventory and how you will fulfill your merchandise to buyers.

Contemplate on what type of market you are aiming at. If you know who your target market is, it would be easier for you to think of effective words to use on the descriptive title and the details of your items.

Once your market research and strategy are done, you will be able to generate some financial information, including income projections. You will have to determine whether or not the amount of money you want to make is attainable for the business you have chosen.

When starting an eBay business, it is also extremely important for you to know first the rules and regulations of eBay concerning items to be sold and the transaction method. This is one way of protecting yourself so you can avoid fraudulent activities.

Be sure to factor in how much you will spend on procuring supplies, products, or manufacturing. Only then will you know your true item cost when you starting eBay business.

If your expenses are too high to make the business concept viable, you'll need to retool your plan.

Your eBay business plan should include a financials section, covering your financial position, how much money you will need to cover expenses involved in procuring, constructing and storing merchandise, and any earnings projections.

Your eBay business plan should be logical and organized with subheadings. Any element that affects how you will do business should be included in your business plan. Once you have everything down on paper, take some time to analyze it so that you are confident and comfortable with your eBay business idea and its probability of earning revenue.

You must also decide how much time you are able and willing to devote to starting and maintaining your eBay business. Unless you can devote eight hours a day, five days a week, your eBay business will be a sideline.

Starting an eBay business is a lucrative way of earning additional wages. You, as a seller, gets the advantages most of the time.

October 05, 2011

How to Write Great Blogs and Watch Your Adsense Dollars Add Up

The best thing about blogging is that there are no rules. You can write about anything you want. A self-publisher’s dream! There are some things you can do though to maximize your Google Adsense profits. Narrow your subject. Don’t just write about shopping. Write about shopping for antique dresser drawer pulls. Write every day. Have a blog at more than one site. If you develop a readership, you’re more likely to increase your profits.

Write about something you know or want to know or at the very least care about. If you try to write a great blog based on a “hot keyword” yet it’s something you could care less about, you’ll likely not stay with it long. Experiment and see what works for you. You can write an article based on your own opinion or something factual. You can review a product or service or a movie. Read other people’s blogs and notice how many reads they’re getting. Above all, have fun. After all, it’s free and if you’re persistent you’ll see your Google Adsense dollars adding up.

August 03, 2011

What You Will Need To Start A Successful Business

Starting a home business is a very important decision, and there are some typical home business resources you will need to have in order for you to succeed. Home business resources are assets, services and systems you will need to make your home business run smoothly; and also other steps you will need to make sure that you will succeed with your business.

So, to start a successful home business, what resources and steps do you need to take?

A clearly laid out business plan. Without a business plan and goals to achieve, then you can not get anywhere. A business plan will map out what you need to succeed and how you will achieve your goals.

Good research. Whatever your business will need, you will need to be well informed about it. So you will need to do me research so that you become an expert on the niche, product or service. Knowledge about the business is an important home business resource, so you must do the necessary research to be well-informed about the industry or product/service.

A well set-up office. Your office is another important home business resource. You will need to be productive while working from home. You will therefore need an office that has all you will need to run a smooth business; a computer, printer, internet access, fax, telephone, business cards and a conducive work environment. A suitable desk and appropriate lighting in your office is also an important resource that is often underestimated in its importance. You will sometimes work for many hours in a day, and your work space needs to be comfortable. Allocate some money towards setting up a working environment you will enjoy working from everyday!

Some money to cover capital outlay and running costs is an important home business resource which you will need. Any business requires some form of investment, and you will need to know how much you have, and how much investments and ongoing marketing your business will need for it to succeed. It is therefore recommended that you start your business while you are still employed, so that you have some income to live on while you are still building your business.

Support system. This can be a mentor; someone who has succeeded with a similar business, or simply your family and friends. You need to have people close to you who will encourage you and give you any support you need. You can also join a forum of people with the same business like yours. A good support network is a very important home business resource.

Business leads and clients are a crucial home business resource. Making and creating contacts and networking is very important - you need to start building your potential clients base before you launch your business. Start marketing your business by giving away some products and services. By creating a relationship with your potential customers, you build trust with them, and when you launch your business, it will be easy for them to buy from you.

Be professional! The way you run your business and relate to your customers is very important. Be prepared to 'go the extra mile' with your customers. Care about your customers, and provide all the information they may need.

Hire any professional help you may need. Treat your business professionally, and if you need the services of a lawyer or accountant, hire/outsource it. It is more productive and effective to get experts to do what you can not do, leaving you time to focus on your business. You will want to do the best for your business; so if there are any home business resources you do not have, outsource them.

If you have the home business resources outlined above, then your business will succeed. Although your home business may only be a small venture, treat it like a real business, and get all the home business resources any business will need in order to be successful.

Cara Mengganti Email Login Blogger

Sebenarnya, secara resmi tidak ada cara untuk mengganti email login ke akun blogger. Silakan cek jawaban resmi Blogger dari pertanyaan:

How do I change the login name or password on my Google Account?“.

Disitu disebutkan bahwa memang ada fasilitas untuk mengubah password, tetapi tidak ada fasilitas untuk mengubah email yang digunakan untuk login ke akun google.
Oleh karena itu, untuk mengganti email yang kita gunakan untuk login ke akun blogger, kita perlu melakukan sedikit trik.

Trik ini terinsiparasi dari jawaban pertanyaan resmi dari:
How do I move a blog between accounts?

Secara garis besar, cara mengganti email yang digunakan untuk login pada blogger atau blogspot adalah dengan mengundang akun blogger yang lain (misalnya AkunBaru) untuk menjadi anggota tim lalu memberikannya admin privileges, lalu dari AkunBaru tersebut, kita hapus akun blogger yang lama (AkunLama) sehingga untuk selanjutnya, alamat email yang digunakan untuk login (masuk) ke akun blogger kita adalah alamat email yang baru (AkunBaru).

Bagaimana? Sudah ada gambaran? Atau tambah bingung?

Kalo masih bingung, lanjutin bacanya yaa..
Misalkan anda ingin mengganti email login ke blog anda dari AkunLama menjadi AkunBaru.
Langkah-langkahnya adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Buatlah alamat email gmail baru atau gunakan alamat email yang sudah ada yang akan digunakan untuk login (misalkan, AkunBaru)
  • Masuklah ke akun blogger lama anda (AkunLama).
  • Klik Pengaturan > Izin
  • Klik tombol MENAMBAH PENULIS
  • Undanglah AkunBaru untuk menjadi untuk menjadi penulis.

Langkah selanjutnya dilakukan pada AkunBaru:

  • Masuklah ke akun email AkunBaru. Agar tidak repot logout dan login lagi, gunakan 2 browser yang berbeda untuk membuka kedua akun tsb. Misalnya Internet Explorer untuk membuka AkunLama dan Firefox atau Opera atau Safari untuk membuka AkunBaru.
  • Bukalah email yang berisi undangan dan konfirmasikan kesediaan anda untuk menjadi penulis pada blog milik AkunLama.
  • Ikuti langkah-langkah selanjutnya.

Selanjutnya, kembali lagi ke AkunLama..

  • Refreshlah halaman Pengaturan > Izin dan anda akan mendapati AkunBaru sudah menjadi salah satu dari penulis blog anda.
  • Berikan admin previleges pada AkunBaru dengan mengklik berikan previlese admin.

Masuklah ke akun blogger anda yang baru yaitu AkunBaru.

  • Pilih Pengaturan > Izin.
  • Disitu anda akan menemukan dua orang penulis, yaitu AkunLama dan AkunBaru.
  • Hapuslah AkunLama, sehingga satu-satunya penulis dari blog tersebut adalah AkunBaru.
  • Untuk selanjutnya, apabila anda ingin masuk atau login ke blog tersebut, anda harus menggunakan email AkunBaru.

Sedikit ribet memang, tetapi semoga trik blogger ini bisa sedikit menjawab pertanyaan kita mengenai kemungkinan mengubah alamat yang digunakan untuk login ke blog kita.

Semoga bermanfaat, informasi ini dikutip dari laman :

July 30, 2011

Top 10 Greatest Hits of Youtube

Masih ingatkah dibenak anda ketika pemain internasiona Prancis Zidane menyundul dada bek Italia Marco Materazzi dalam gelaran final World Cup 2006, pemain yang benama lengkap Zinedine Yazid Zidane ini, sepertinya kehabisa kesabaran dalam pertandingan tersebut.

Selain itu pernahkan anda melihat presiden Barack Obama yang sedang mandi di pantai, dalam kesibukannya yang rasanya tidak punya waktu sedetikpun ternyata beliau menyempatkan diri juga untuk menikmati indahnya pantai, walau tidak disebutkan dimana pantai tersebut mmm...:) tapi paling tidak hal ini bisa merefresh pikirannya.

Oya kita kembali ke topik, Top 10 Greatest Hits of Youtube, berikut ini adalah video adegan-adegan yang luar biasa, penuh tantangan, kocak, fun, fantastic, dan jangan sampai anda lewatkan.

Video ini sudah ditonton lebih dari 10,7 juta penghuni alam semesta ini jadi sayang kalau anda lewatkan begitu saja. Termasuk apa yang sudah saya sampaikan diatas mengenai Zinedine Yazid Zidane vs Materazzi dan juga adegan Barack Obama yang sedang dipantai bersama seseorang ?? semuanya terangkum dalam satu video, mau taw makanya tonton nehh....

eHH.....satu lgi jangan lupa kalau udah abis nonton kasi komentar dibawah ini okehhh.. :) thanks